Divided, We Fall

Our homeland – the United States of America – is becoming increasingly divided each day.  The Pledge of Allegiance (which is no longer required in many schools) says, “One nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE…”  But, in reality, have we returned to the animosity and division of the Civil War days?

Why do people complain so vociferously about our country?  If they hate it so much, aren’t they free to move elsewhere?  It amazes me that some of those who rail against America are people who have come here from somewhere else, gotten educated, become successful and still complain when they would never have the freedom to do so in their own native land.

If our nation is so bad, why are thousands flocking across our borders daily?

The 1982 movie “Sophie’s Choice” presented a scenario where a mom in a concentration camp had to choose which child would go to the gas chamber and which would accompany her to the labor camp.  Which would be saved and which would die!  Who could make such a horrific choice?

Yet, watch the recent  video at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan and what do you see?  A mother giving up her child, passing her infant over the fence to a US soldier.  How desperate is that?  

Granted, we are far from perfect, but what place is?  If only we’d return to our roots…”One nation, under God.”   Let’s each do our part to respect one another and “get along”, drop the anger and accusations, finger pointing.  Bullying and complaining and mistreating one another aren’t even appropriate on the elementary school playground.  People are literally dying in an attempt to come here.  May we not ruin what we have.  God, help us.


“America, America, God shed His grace on thee

and crown thy good with brotherhood…”


“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”     (Psalm 33:12)


  1. Pam Bayha

    Amen! You said it so well. Praying our country will return to God and our land will be healed.

  2. Janis Purvis

    Very good commentary. Most of us love our country and our religious freedom which is under attack. People need to turn to back God and his teachings.

  3. Larry

    There was that other nation that turned away from Him and look what happened. America is in a very dark place without Him! But His mercy is long suffering. Maybe there’s still hope!

  4. Linda M. Christian

    Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Praying for healing for our nation.

  5. Donna

    I agree Teri.
    God must be acknowledged for who HE is to be blessed by Him.


  6. Stephanie

    Amen! I pray that our nation would cling to the Lord!

  7. Marilin

    2 Chronicles 7:14

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