Review and Reassure

The other day I was going through some files and notebooks in my office (to Dave’s delight since he refers to my office as “eclectic”; ok, so I keep stuff.  You never know when you might need it!)  This turned out to be one of those times.  One of the notebooks contained page after page of prayers I had written during a two-year period that was especially difficult for our family.  On nights when sleep eluded me, I would often rise and write a prayer to God  It’s quite therapeutic!  I found that I would often begin by pouring out my heart to God about the trials and tribulations going on and by the time I finished, I was praising God for who He is and for His love and provision.

As I read these prayers about situations long since gone, I was taken through some of the same feelings I had, and I recalled all the concerns and uncertainties of the time.  But, I was brought up (again) to a fresh realization that God brings us through these times and answers prayer (albeit, not always as we ask or think in our finite minds is right).  He promises to never leave us or forsake us and to give us peace.  When we are in the midst of a trial, we tend to focus on what’s in front of us and then we get all bent out of shape and worried (and we can’t sleep!)

That’s when it’s time for us to REVIEW so God can REASSURE us that He is there and He is working.  What’s troubling you?  Is it anything He can’t handle?  Reflect on times in the past when God has answered your prayers, when He has walked through something with you.

Review and reassure.        🙂


“I remember the days of old, I meditate on all Your doings…”       (Psalm 143:5)


  1. Larry

    Thx Teri. You’re right. It’s always good to look back. He’s always been there even when it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

  2. Donna

    Great advice!! What a faithful God we serve.🎶

  3. Thank you for the reminder! I should have reviewed early (early) this morning! I will if I awake early tomorrow. Love you, anne

  4. Sandra Nagel

    Amen!!! So true , Why so important to journal and let God hear our heart!!! He is so very faithful and often it is seen in the rearview mirror!
    Thanks for your writing and the importance of praying 🙏 always!!! Hugs 🤗

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    Yes! I’m so grateful that when God seems distant we need only look to see who moved and adjust ourselves accordingly!

  6. It never ceases to amaze me how God’s word comes through at just the right time. In spite of all my expectations of having a good night’s sleep, my thoughts seem to get in the way and I let Satan get into my head. God gets me through and I finally am able to get into a good sleep knowing that i need to let God take over. Thank you God for being there for me

  7. Marilin

    My aunt was ill for some years and was in a nursing home in California. I visited her when I could. One day I was talking with her and I asked her if she was sleeping well. She replied, “Oh, yes, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.” I was thinking drugs, but when I asked her how she did that, she said, “With a clear conscience.” I thought about her life, and I could see why. When I review the period of time that I had cancer, I can be reassured that God brought me through it, changed me, and will bring me through all my trials in His love and care, changing me as we go.

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