Mortality in the Mirror

One of the things my husband enjoys doing is examining comparisons between family members to see who resembles whom.  Being a video person, he looks at chin shape, ear placement, how far the eyes are apart – and on and on.  Then, he can take a photo of one member and fade it gradually into another showing amazing similarities.  My middle son reminds us of Dave’s dad.  One of our granddaughters has a strong resemblance to her mom at the same age.  It’s almost freaky to see one face turn into another.  Genes are powerful (especially the Swedes’, I’ve discovered!)

Along this same line are those apps which show age progression.  This has value if one is looking for a missing child.  Tremendous value.  But, for the rest of us:  why would we want to know early on what we will look like in our latter years?  It’s positively frightening!

For those of us who have reached the last season of life, there is no mystery.  We see it in the mirror every day.  There are times when I literally wonder who is looking back at me.  In an effort to comfort my two-year old granddaughter recently, I went to a mirror to show her what a sad face she had and how we needed her pretty face back.  I caught my own face there and was stunned by the additional wrinkles, wishing I, too, could have my other face back.

The mirror reminds us of our own mortality.  We’re only here for a time.

So, what???  We aren’t gone yet, right?  If the mirror fogs up with your breath, then you still have a reason to be here – someone to help or encourage or teach or hold or love.

My withered face didn’t compare to Emmi’s youthful beauty.  But, I still got to be with her.  I don’t think she cared about anything else.

Mortal, yes.  But, for now, we’re still here.       🙂


“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up…”       (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

“For this perishable must put on the imperishable and this mortal must put on immorality.”   (1 Corinthians 15:53)



  1. Anna May Riddell

    Excellent description of life. There is a purpose and a plan for every phase of our life. Thank you for this post

  2. Larry

    Good thing we get a retro fit soon and very soon! Thank you Lord!

  3. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up”
    Thank you Teri. Time is really flying. I just want to “fly” with God.

  4. Looked at my hands the other day and they looked just like my Grandmother’s hands. She used them for loving her neighbor until the end of her days. I pray I can do likewise.

  5. Audrey

    What a great reminder to not just rest on our “laurels” but keep busy in the Lord’s work until He calls us home. “It ain’t over til it’s over”.

  6. Linda Christian

    I love this thoughtful post. This season of life describes us all at any given point in time.
    God bless

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