It Just Goes On…

Meet the latest addition to our family:  Larsson Isaac.  What an amazing gift babies are!  As I held him in my arms and thanked God for new life, I was struck again by the fact that all the parts he needs for a lifetime are already contained in his tiny body.  What a marvel!  He joins two sisters who are delighted to have him – at least until he gets older and gets in their way.  When I told them he would be bigger than they will someday, they looked at me skeptically and went off to play.

My husband called his 97-year old aunt to share the news with her.  Famous for some pithy remark, she paused and said, “It just goes on, doesn’t it?”

Six weeks before my middle son was born, we lost one of Dave’s uncles who was very dear to us.  From then on, I shuddered momentarily when a new baby was coming, wondering who we might lose.  But, it doesn’t really work that way: one life for another.  We aren’t making some cosmic exchange.  Still, there is life and there is death.  I have watched in awe as my young granddaughters have moved from birth to toddler age and wondered how smart we might be if we kept learning at the rate they do in the first 18-24 months.  Now it’s their turn to play and grow and experience new things – to see life as a constant adventure.  Someday our grandchildren will be old enough to marry and have children of their own.  Thus, we are as links in a chain.

Were Aunt Linnea’s comments meant to be depressing?  There is definitely  realism contained in her remark – the realization that this is what life is all about.  Let’s choose to focus on the hope and promise that each new child brings.  Yes, it goes on…and that’s a blessing in itself!


“There is a time for every event under heaven – a time to be born and a time to die…I have seen the task God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.  He has made everything appropriate in its time.”

“Ecclesiastes 3:1a-2; 10-11a)




  1. Anna May Riddell

    When I am holding a newborn I know I am near to God. Their breath is so sweet, their skin so soft, their tears are heartbreaking to see. We can hear them loudly when they cry and we know exactly what they want because we listen to them. We can please them so easily with just a little bit of loving attention. Yes I feel close to God when I am holding a newborn babe.

  2. Pam Bayha

    Congratulations on your newest grandchild, Larsson Isaac. What a blessing to be able to be there and hold him while he is still so tiny. It makes my heart just bubble over with joy for you and your family……a precious new little life. Enjoy!

  3. Donna

    Congrats on Larson; so glad you were present to welcome him into the family. JOY!
    Enjoyed your step back to see the bigger perspective of life. What a BIG God! I like the thought of being His child regardless of my age.🥰

  4. Marilin

    Aunt Linnea’s comment is an encouragement to me. Although God’s plan for humanity includes life and death, believers can look to the future of eternal life with our Lord and Savior. It will “just go on.”

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