Grumblers “Anonymous”

AA  (Alcoholics Anonymous) and GA  (Gamblers Anonymous) operate in relative secret.  People attend meetings and confess their struggle, using only first names.  Of course, those who know them are very often well aware of their issue.

And, so it is with our new version of GA:  Grumblers “Anonymous”.  We would all meet to discuss it, but it would only be an hour of grumbling and moaning.  Good grief!  If we want to be depressed, we can just watch the news.

Have you ever tried to call a friend who doesn’t answer, but when the call goes  to Voice Mail, the robot comes on to apologize because the “mail box is full’?  It’s like a complaint department that’s closed for repairs.  But, hey, that just gives us one more thing to complain about!  

What might it sound like if we recorded ourselves for  a day?  How much of what flows from our mouths would be classified as griping and complaining, wailing and whining?

Do you suppose it would help if we started our day by singing a rousing rendition of “Count Your Blessings”?  It certainly can’t hurt…


“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘ Do not grumble among yourselves.'”     (John 6:43)


  1. henry munzinger

    Thank God for ALL our blessings, the good and the bad!

  2. Thank you for reminding me to think before I “grumble” and concentrate on Jesus words “Do not grumble among yourselves”. Please continue your “posts”. They are always positive and
    thought provoking.

  3. Donna

    I am sitting here laughing because you struck a chord with me! Really, is there Grumbler’s Anonymous??
    I so want to be more grateful!! God’s grace gives us every reason to sing and be thankful. Because of Jesus, I can.

  4. Marilin

    I’m in Hawaii for the summer, and I’m not grumbling. My blessings are almost too many to count!

  5. Martha

    Counting my many blessings. Today is our 59th wedding anniversary. Praising God, what a blessing.

  6. Anna May Riddell

    Counting my blessings. God is good all the time, all the time God is good

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