Get Real!

My husband’s career was spent in various forms of media:  radio, television, play-by-play, producing, directing – you name it;  he did it.  In retirement, he produces videos of family events as well as family history (for the next generation) and even some movie shorts which he also writes.  All this to say:  I have been drafted many times to participate in his creations and, although I tease him that I now have a SAG (Screen Actor’s Guild) card and my fee has therefore gone up, the truth is that I am a terrible actress.

Our son was once involved in a movie production so we were able to watch the very first read-through of the script as the actors sat around a table.  I was stunned at how readily they slipped into character.  Probably few of us ever aspired to a career in acting and perhaps most would be like me:  void of any talent whatsoever.

But, how many of us can pretend to be what we aren’t when the situation arises?  Have you ever claimed to be something you weren’t?  Have an ability you didn’t possess?  Expressed the opinion of the masses just to “fit in”?

News Flash:  the word hypocrite comes from the Greek word hypokrites, meaning”actor or stage player…an interpreter from underneath since Greek actors wore masks and spoke from underneath the mask.  Eventually this came to mean someone or something pretending to be something they were not.”   (From WyoFile).

Is there an area of your life where you are pretending to be someone you aren’t?  (Have we gotten too comfortable wearing a mask this past year?)  Are there times when you slip into a role or response you think others expect, rather than staying true to yourself?  Have we all done this at some point?    Ask yourself:  am I a phony?  God made you and me who we are, and He knows best.  There’s only one you.  No play-acting or copying needed.  So, let’s drop the act and get real!


“Let us examine and probe our ways…”   (Lamentations 3:40)


  1. Larry

    Kind of a scary place to go. I know I don’t like to go there. Great comparison with the everyday masks we wear these days. Like the Lamentations verse you quoted it also reminds me of Psalm 26:2 where we are told to examine our hearts to see what might be lurking there. Thanks for the reminder Teri.

  2. Donna

    Masks do cover a lot, but God still sees and knows all. I’m guilty of mask wearing. Forgive me Lord.

  3. Marilin

    It’s hard enough to be who we are without trying to be someone else. Oh Lord, help me to be me!

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