Work It Off

Do you ever get frustrated?  The other day, Dave asked me what was bothering me (when I didn’t even know anything was bothering me.  Ok.  I miss seeing my family…).  When I started to vent, I’m sure he regretted asking.

My ranting and raving (you probably never do that) got me so fired up that I was left energized.  My next step was to pour all that energy into cleaning house.  My sister-in-law (Martha:  “Your Happy Place”) used to always say, “Work it off”, so I took her advice.   My shower hasn’t looked that good since it was first built!!! 

Are you down, bored or aggravated about something?  Work it off!  You’ll feel better twice over:  releasing that frustration and also accomplishing something at the same time. Remember that The Apostle Paul  went from persecuting to preaching (from the negative to the positive).


“…each man’s work will become evident, for the day will show it..”   (1 Corinthians 3:13)

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily…”    (Colossians 3:23)


  1. henry munzinger

    Peace in Christ in my thoughts, words, deeds and feelings!

  2. Anna May Riddell

    I get bored these days and I usually just sulk but this is a good reminder of a better way, God’s way.
    I will work or use energy in a positive way. I will do this to honor God and praise Him.
    Thanks Teri for the always welcomed reminder

  3. Marilin

    This is good advice. It’s especially good because I just took a closer look at my shower.

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