One More Step

The other day I left on my walk determined to take the long route and go a bit over three miles.  That sounded better when I was putting on my coat than when I got outside.  A goal is defined as “the end toward which effort is directed.”  Clearly, if I were going to walk the entire three miles, it would take effort.

There are times when we bail out, aren’t there?  Times when we turn around right away and go home or take the shorter path.  When I do that, I inevitably wind up disappointed in myself.  Sometimes our goals may seem overwhelmingly impossible.  One glaring example is losing weight – which may be an issue for many of us through this pandemic.  (I do know a few people who have lost weight during this time, but in the absence of being sick, for the life of me, I’m baffled as to how).  Suppose you want to lose 25 pounds.  That seems daunting.  The sad fact, though, is that you can’t lose 25 #s until you lose the first one.  It happens one step at a time.  Just like taking a walk.  I was glad to have the Lord as my constant companion (The “C” Controversy) because He kept me company which helped me keep on keepin on.  It started with the first step and could only be accomplished by continuing to take each step.  That sounds so obvious, doesn’t it?  But, when we stop taking the next step that progress ceases. 

Have you ever wanted to write a book?  That takes an idea and a bank page that awaits your filling it.  Have you ever wanted to take up golf, learn to ride a bike or volunteer somewhere?  Do you have an unrealized goal?  Is it still there bugging you?  Maybe it’s time to dust it off and take that first step…and keep taking those steps – one at a time.  That’s the only way to get there.  One more step.


“And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.”  (Galatians 6:9)


  1. Larry Feigal

    Thanks for the encouragement Teri. I needed that. Now to do it.

  2. Anna May Riddell

    That is just what I needed to hear today. I will be taking the first step today to get back to walking. I have let so many good habits go by the wayside these past months. I will dust them off today and make a Plan with the Holy Spirit and trust that God will take that first step and every step there after, with me. God Bless you Teri, your thoughts are always what I need

  3. Sandra Nagel

    Great reminder to take the first step!!! Thanks fir encouragement my friend!!!

  4. henry munzinger

    No turning back, I can attest to that!!!

  5. Marilin

    “It’s impossible,” said pride.
    “It’s risky,”
    said experience.
    “It’s pointless,”
    said reason.
    “Give it a try,”
    whispered the heart.
    Thanks for reminding us to listen to our heart…..and then take the first step.

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