Missing Out

The other morning I was on my way to meet a friend when I noticed something spectacular.  It was just as the sun was coming up so it was peeking out a bit from behind me.  In the rear view mirror, I saw an orange ball, barely in sight.  Ahead and to the left, the mountains stood tall with the appearance of a lavender wash over them.  To the right, a full moon still showed itself.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  As the sun rose gradually and the moon stayed its course, I was brought to wonder:  how do the planets stay in their respective spots?  How is it the earth “sits” on its axis and rotates over and over without just falling?  But, then the question would be:  falling where?

Clearly, I am not a scientist, but who can explain such a thing?  The moon isn’t propped up on a sawhorse.  The earth isn’t glued into its particular location.  Some wizard isn’t operating a plastic controller that causes sunrises and sunsets – like flipping a light switch.

Let’s face it:  the odds of a big bang causing all of this to come together and operate so flawlessly are even greater than a bunch of microscopic pieces being tossed in the air and coming together to form an intricate watch – which would keep going and never stop.  Anything you and I have ever made, we have made out of what was already here.  The Creator fashioned everything ex nihilio – out of nothing.

We’ve discovered in the last several months what it means to take certain things for granted: freedom to go wherever we please, whenever.  Freedom to go to work or out to eat or to church, to meet in crowds and not be worried.  How much of what is right in front of us have we taken for granted and missed out on?

I don’t understand how a car works, but I drive one.  I don’t understand how the earth “hangs” in the universe, but it does and because of its perfect distance from the sun we can experience light and life.  Gravity keeps us on this earth, but it does so without crushing us to death.

Job began to question God about a few things (who wouldn’t in his spot?), but God answered with a question of His own:

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell Me, if you have understanding.”   (Job 38:4)

Let’s be careful what we take for granted.  We just might miss out on something amazing.


“The heavens declare the glory of God…”   (Psalm 19:1)


  1. Thank you for the reminder to be in awe of God’s work as we simply walk outside.

  2. Martha Emmons

    You have added new meaning to Psalm 19:1

  3. Martha Emmons

    You have given new meaning to Psalm 19:1

  4. Donna

    Taking time to ponder creation always leaves me awestruck! Out of nothing. . . So amazing is our God.
    Thanks for describing your spectacular sunrise/moonset!!

  5. Marilin

    Although the March 19th St. Joseph’s Day celebration is being cancelled because of COVID, I wonder if the Cliff Swallows will return to San Juan Capistrano. What an amazing sight as those birds come flying in at the same time year after year. Such joy and jubilation in nature at its finest, an example of God’s perfect order, and I am sad to be “missing out” on it this year. Even so, the heavens continue to declare the glory of God.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    Wonders! My friend often prays for folks on the opposite side of the earth – that while we stand on this side, they don’t fall off of that side! True – we take for granted we’re fastened to the earth.

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