Miracle on Hold

If you don’t recognize a photo like this, perhaps you have never seen an ultrasound in utero as a baby is developing.  Look closely and you will see the head and a face forming.   Think of that connection between the mother and child.  The cord that feeds and gives life  before and until birth.  Doesn’t this just picture the connection we have to the Lord who gives us life?  Jesus used the illustration of the vine and the branches (John 15:1-5).  What branch can survive if it’s been cut off from the vine?

Have you ever waited for the birth of a baby?  They seldom announce their actual arrival in advance.  Everyone ceases from a normal schedule.  Life seems suspended.  Then…it happens.  The miracle of life and everything changes.  Nothing is ever the same again.  The tiny figure melts hearts while demanding full attention.  With that first breath, he or she brings new perspectives, new attitudes, a fresh outlook.  This little person will touch lives throughout his/her life in a way no other would.  Each of us does this in our own way.  Discount it, if you will.  But, that doesn’t make it any less true.  Birth was the miracle “on hold”.  And, then it came.  Life.  And, a chance to make a difference.

A new year can also bring a fresh start.  New life.  How are you using your opportunities every day?  Stay connected to the vine – the Source of life -and He will give you those opportunities.  A chance to share about Him, for example.  Remember that Jesus said you must be “born again” (John 3:3).  To someone who has yet to know Him, that’s the miracle.


“Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature…”   (2 Cor. 5:17)





  1. Anne M

    I recognize that little face! That little (not) life changing miracle. Thank you for this. Passing it forward. ❤️

  2. Linda Lee Dircks

    A miracle in that secret place where God does His work!

  3. Donna

    Life is precious. . . and worth it!

  4. Marilin

    I’m thinking of Baby Hyder who never got a chance to know and love the Lord. But I know the Lord loves him.

  5. Todd

    What a handsome guy, he must take after his dada

  6. We have not had any additions to our family in a long time. I truly miss holding that little life
    in my arms and thinking what a wonderful God we have that he gives new life each and every
    day. Thank you God.

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