Thanksgiving Without Family

As we approach the holidays, we reflect back on years past and the many family gatherings we experienced.  There was food in abundance; kids ran in and out, tracking in on the clean floor, but it didn’t matter because we were together.  Extended family came from afar; there were jokes and teasing one another – all in fun, of course.  The house smelled of turkey and fresh pie and conversation was lively.

Some members are gone now.  Others are far away.  Add Covid to the mix and suddenly travel is out of the question because we might take a germ to a loved one and cause them to get sick, which we would never want to do.  Still, the days come that we celebrate, don’t they?  That brings us a choice:  we can wallow in sorrow and frustration (ruining the day for anyone within 10 miles), OR we can recognize the point of the day and focus on our blessings.  We all have them!  Have we thought about them lately?  Written them down?  Perused the list and been grateful?

Giving thanks doesn’t require an audience or a big celebration.  It doesn’t even need a turkey or a pumpkin pie.  It just needs a grateful heart.  We’re told to “give thanks IN all circumstances”  (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  I’ve often thought that it doesn’t say FOR all circumstances     😉      (though we can learn from them).

In any case, let’s count our blessings, shall we?  Covid may take away the family gathering, but it can’t take away the love.

“Let us come before Him with thanksgiving!”   (Psalm 95:2)


  1. Martha Emmons

    Thankful to be reminded that it is “in” all circumstances not “for” all circumstances.

    • Larry

      I agree with Martha. I’m sure not thankful for all, needless to say, but I’m thankful I have been blessed for so many years and had her with me for a long time and will soon be with her again. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.

  2. Henry Munzinger

    Thank God from whom all blessings flow…

  3. Linda Lee Dircks

    Good word. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Donna

    I’m GRATEFUL for you Teri!
    Thanks for continuing encouragement.

    God is GOOD 😘

  5. Marilin

    Every day should be Thanksgiving, without the turkey.

  6. Linda Christian

    I love your thoughtful post. Giving thanks “In” all circumstances. Something to carry forward each day.

  7. Anna May Riddell

    A grateful heart is a happy heart. A happy heart is a blest heart. I am so grateful that God has given me a blest heart.

  8. Anne

    I’m Super grateful for you Aunt Teri.

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