
Look up this word “home” in the dictionary and you may find the simplistic definition “the place where one resides permanently”.  Since nothing on this earth is permanent, this made me both shake my head and smile.

My husband grew up in the same house and went to school with the same kids from kindergarten through High School.  That’s an accumulation of a lot of memories!   I, on the other hand, though not in a military family, still went to numerous schools, not only in various neighborhoods, but in several different states.  The one consistent factor was our lake home in Montana where we spent every summer.  Otherwise, I was frequently meeting new people, attending new schools and adjusting to new surroundings.  Some people live in a house (a building) but it never becomes an actual home because the structure isn’t as significant as the family which occupies it with the necessary feeling of love and security, which is why we often hear, “Home is where the heart is.”  For me, understandably, that was always Montana.

Before God made man, He created the earth as a place for man to dwell.  Essentially, He gave us a home.  It’s as varied as the people who inhabit it.  Some like the forest areas, some prefer the beach.  Some like the desert, others wide open spaces and still others relish the city life.  But, whatever one prefers, a move always involves some sort of adjustment.

When Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees to follow the Lord, he had no idea where he was going.  But, he was “looking for the city which has foundations whose architect and builder is God”.  (Hebrews 11:10)  Looking ahead.  Beyond what he saw in front of him.  What an example!

Jesus told His disciples:

“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places.  If it were not so, I would have told you…for I go to prepare a place for you.”     (John 14:2)

Every time I have moved, it has taken awhile to get used to the location, the layout of the new house, its noises, its creaks.  It took time for it to feel like “home”.  Not so with God.  He is preparing a special place for each of us.  There will be no adjustment when we arrive.  It will feel as if we have always been there.  This move WILL be permanent – and we’ll be HOME.       🙂

“…forgetting what lies behind, and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal.”

(Philippians 3:13-14)



  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    What lovely thoughts! I remember as a teen being forced to move away after my Dad died and never feeling like home again. I went to great lengths to go back, to no avail. Today I’m so happy that I finally learned to rest in Him and be content in all circumstances so that I can “be at home” in this temporary place! Thanks for the message.

  2. Martha Emmons

    We are going home one day. A home Jesus makes for us. Home, what a wonderful thought.

  3. Henry Munzinger

    I pray everyday, at the end of a long prayer…..’Heaven is our Home, with your blessing O LORD, come good and faithful servants, today you will be with me in paradise’.

  4. Sandra Nagel

    Interesting topic and thoughts!!!! Indeed we are headed to a heavenly home!!! But here on earth moving is an interesting topic. To be where he wants us to be!!!! Home truly can be where the heart is!!!!❤️❤️👏👏💕🙏🙏🤗😘👍💗

  5. Stephanie Tunell

    Like the song lyrics go-
    “All I know is I’m not home yet
    This is not where I belong
    Take this world and give me Jesus”

  6. Marilin

    When our home is in Jesus, we never have to move.

  7. Nancy C Brody

    I look at Marilin’s comment and think “When our home is in Jesus, we never have to
    move” and think how true it is. I have been contemplating moving and find it difficult
    to think about it. I keep asking for Jesus to guide me to make the right decision. I want
    to have my home “be in Jesus”

  8. Donna

    Beautiful reminders to look UP! Grateful for our eternal hope in Jesus!! And you!

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