Caution: 4-Letter Words Ahead

Language today is pretty rank.  I am convinced there is a serious lack of vocabulary which results in the need to repeat certain (foul) words over and over.  Is there anyone who honestly believes this adds anything to their character or how they are perceived?

We all know – only too well – what these offensive words are.  But, there are many 4-letter words which are just the opposite:  pleasant and uplifting.  Many, of course, are in God’s Word:  good, kind, care, pure, holy, true, home and others.  Oh, and of course, there’s also LOVE. In fact, it’s the Bible’s foundation and theme.

However, there is another 4-letter word which, personally I could say I HATE, but that would be too harsh, so I’ll just say I “dislike” it – and that is the word WAIT.  I have such an aversion to it, that when I first heard I was pregnant years ago, my husband joked that I should have been the LAST (4 letters) person the doctor told!

Yet, there are verses in the Bible that proclaim the virtues of waiting.

Psalm 40:1  “I WAITed patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry.”

Psalm 27:14 “WAIT for the Lord; be strong and take heart and WAIT for the Lord.”

Isaiah 40:31 “Those who WAIT for the Lord will renew their strength.”

So, when we have to WAIT, we also GROW and God causes this in our lives…. why???  To make us miserable?  Because He enjoys seeing us suffer?  Of course not!  These things He allows – just as He disciplines us for our good (Hebrews 12:6) – because He LOVEs us.  Haven’t you seen the value of making a child wait for something?  Perhaps he wasn’t mature enough for what he was asking.  Maybe there was no way to explain that her request would cause her harm, not good.

We want God to “fix this and do it now!”  as if we’re in charge and we know what’s best.  I can honestly admit that the times in my life when I ran ahead of God are the ones I wish I could tape over or re-do.

I can’t say as David “I waited patiently on the Lord…”  In fact, I have most often thought that patience would be great, if it didn’t take so long!  But, I am trying to grasp that God’s LOVE sometimes comes packaged in ways other than my preference.  Yet, they are still right.  And, so I remind myself – that, though WAIT is a 4-letter word – so is LOVE.  (Or, that, though LOVE is a 4-letter word, so is WAIT).      🙂


Isaiah 30:18  “Blessed are those who WAIT for Him!”


  1. Stephanie

    A wise woman once said “the days are long, but the years are short.” Unfortunately, this only became understandable after years of impatience.

  2. Henry Munzinger

    One moment at a time in Christ, we’re on the Lord’s timeline, Thank God!

  3. MarthaEmmons

    Isaiah 55:8 Waiting on God’s time. Help me to understand and be patient.

  4. Sandra

    Patience is a virtue…..but the old adage sometimes rears its ugly head – Hurry up and wait.

  5. Sandra Nagel

    What a great way to remind us that God is in control!!!!! His timing !! Trust & Obey!!!!

  6. Marilin

    When you wait you are saying, “Lord, I trust you.”

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