What? Me, Worry?

Our society today – in keeping with much of its attitude – has many sayings like “no worries”, or “not to worry” which are meant as encouragement or as a simple dismissal.

But, it isn’t that easy.

However, the Lord Jesus told us the same thing and you’d think, coming from Him, we’d sit up and listen.

“Do not be anxious (worry) about your life…which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life span?” (Matthew 6:25,27)

I read somewhere recently that worry is like a rocking chair:  it gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.

Of course, it’s easy to downplay or dress it up by calling it “concern”  That just brings on the smirks and eye rolling.

Peter wrote “Cast your anxieties (cares) on Him, for He cares for you.”  (1 Peter 5:7).

Alfred E. Newman was the one quoted as saying, “What?  Me, worry?”  Yet, he was on the cover of MAD magazine years ago.  So, I guess that would make those of us who cast our cares on the Lord and GO BACK AND PICK THEM UP AGAIN more than just a little crazy.

Some of us worry about things to worry about!  There is certainly no shortage of options available.  We could easily say, “especially in our day.”  Our ancestors probably said the same thing, as will those who come after us.  But, faith and fear don’t go together.  That means we need to choose.  Sometimes we have to choose multiple times a day.

It’s been said that faith is only as good as the object in which it’s placed.  I am continually placing mine in the Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Loving God.  If that’s the case, that means today, tomorrow and the day after.  So, then, I can also say:    What?  Me, worry?


“Now faith is the ASSURANCE of things hoped for, the CONVICTION of things not seen.”   (Hebrews 11:1)


  1. Annie

    Needed this today. Thank you!

    • Nancy C Brody

      Your blogs are always so thought provoking & I have to comment.
      What? Me, Worry?. I worry a lot less these days, but yes, I still do worry. I need
      to turn my thinking cap around. Thank you Teri. Keep these blogs coming.
      In prayer, Nancy

    • Anne

      And again today. ❤️❤️ Thank you. Love you Aunt Teri!

  2. Linda Dircks

    Sweet. Thanks so much. Today is potentially a significant worry prone day. I’m going to take your advice!

  3. Henry Munzinger

    The Lord knows all, trust in his care!

  4. Martha Emmons

    I’m getting up out of the rocking chair.

  5. Marilin

    “Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up,” says Ralph Waldo Emerson. Let’s keep our eyes focused up on the One who brings peace.

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