Dead Weight

Are you feeling burdened by life?  Has it ever occurred to you that you may be carrying around unnecessary baggage?  Think of it:  if God forgives like we do, we could be in real trouble.  Imagine Jesus hanging on the cross and saying, “Go get ’em, God.  Look what they’ve done to Me!”  But, that’s not what He said, is it?

In October of 2006, a man entered an Amish school and shot ten children, killing five.  Then, he shot himself.  His parents, wife and small child were left behind, living in the same area.  What did the Amish families do?  In the midst of their grief, they reached out and comforted the family of the shooter.  One Amish dad said simply, “We must forgive as God has forgiven us.”

We are told to forgive others.  Why do we insist on carrying around our bitterness like a ball and chain?  That’s a heavy weight to be dragging everywhere.  Is there someone you need to forgive?  Maybe we could all learn a lesson from the Amish who were grieving their own dead children.  You and I have received forgiveness.  We need to cut the ball and chain loose and extend to others what we have been given.

“Forgive us our debts AS WE have forgiven our debtors.”   (Matthew 6:12)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    I forgot the name of that book, I loved it. What a great act of forgiveness. Thanks, Teri

  2. Marilin

    The axe that cuts the ball and chain is in our hearts. Once cut, let God do the healing.

  3. Todd

    Takes guts to do. I salute the Amish families that were strong enough to forgive

  4. Donna

    Forgiveness; the gift that truly sets one free!
    Costly . . . Necessary.
    Excellent exhortation.

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