GPS: Global Positioning System or God’s Prompting Spirit?

How many of you remember this?  It’s not so very long ago…

This was revolutionary when it first came out.  We were so excited!  We could put in a destination and Beverly (as Dave called “her”) would tell us step-by-step where to go.  We followed her to the letter.  (Otherwise, she would panic and yell, “Recalculating!!!”)  So, we didn’t question her.  Today our cars and cell phones are equipped with this handy device so that we have no excuse for getting lost and not finding our way.

Isn’t it interesting that we will blindly follow a voice (inanimate) in a box, but we hesitate when the Maker and Creator of the universe tries to direct our way?

GPS, in very real terms is God’s Prompting Spirit and that Spirit is always with us, does not have to be plugged in, recharged or even inquired of.  But, it does have to be heeded.

We’re told when we come to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit “takes up residence” (Ephesians 1:13-14).  He moves right in so that, as we saw previously, we are never alone.  Jesus told His disciples in John 14-16 that the Holy Spirit would lead, guide, provide comfort and teach them.  The Lord, through His Spirit within us, prompts us to do things, say something, extend help to someone.  It may even involve someone you haven’t seen in a long time and you feel awkward.  What will they think?  But, guess what?  God knows more about what they need than you do.  And, besides:  this isn’t about you.  It’s what He wants to do through you.

God once prompted me to go visit a friend who was in the last stages of life.  I had been numerous times before so I didn’t respond right away.  At 3:00 AM the next morning, she was gone.  A missed opportunity.

Someone once said, “Opportunities are like some waiters; they come around once and then you never see them again.”

Zechariah 7:11 refers to refusal to listen as a “pulling away of the shoulder”.  Have you ever had someone grab your arm or shoulder and you jerked away, for whatever reason?  Imagine that scenario as it relates to the Lord.  It’s a picture of an ox refusing the yoke.  And, after all, humans have been described as being “dumb as an ox”.   That’s how it is when we refuse His leading.

You can probably recall times when God “tapped you on the shoulder” to do something and you refused.  On the other hand, there may have been times when you responded.  Sometimes He even shows you later the reason for it.

How about the flip side?  When have you been the recipient of God’s Prompting Spirit in someone’s life who listened and answered?  I think of what I would have missed if that person had not obeyed:  a hug, a listening ear, a note.

Ask yourself:  When has someone appeared suddenly when I needed them the most?  Or, when has God asked me to do something and I flat out refused?  And, lastly, when has God tapped me on that same shoulder (because He’s the God of second chances) and I actually did as He asked?  We’re blessed when He chooses to use us.

GPS:  Are you following the prompts?

“and your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'”  (Isaiah 30:21)


  1. Anna May Riddell

    During these days of Covid 19 and Civil unrest I have often found myself bemoaning “What is it Lord you would have me do?” Many times I feel so helpless but then the Lord will bring Annie to mind, a recent widow who loves it when I call and we talk about our past Mission Work. Sometimes the Lord brings Gwen to mind and I will call her and we will laugh and talk about Bible Studies we are doing. Then there is my sister or my brother who are not saved, I will call and tell them I am praying for them. When I think upon these things I know that is God’s GPS for me today. Thank you for reminding me that listening to that still small voice is just as important as leading an army into battle.

  2. Henry Munzinger

    Jesus is with us 24/7 he wants to be a part of our lives. It is beautifully amazing to listen to Jesus talking and guiding me. Yes, Jesus through the Holy Spirit will have people enter our lives one way or the other; to be there for us or we to be there for them.

  3. Todd

    Whew, good one mom, this one hits home. I use google maps almost daily and never second guess it. I need to have the same level of trust in non google map related things. Well played

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    We have argued with Beverly from time to time only to find eventually that she was right the first time! I want to be attentive to His voice and not second guessing nor resisting the prompt! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Marilin

    The visual of “pulling away of the shoulder” breaks my heart. Imagine what it does to God.

  6. Donna

    Great exhortation to heed the Spirit who leads us into all truth. And how we need His help today!
    I remember the season when my husband was hospitalized for nearly 2 months and each night when I came home and checked the mailbox, a card or two would be there by someone who followed the Spirit’s prompting and it was a HUGE comfort and encouragement.
    Thank you!!

    • Martha

      God’s prompting spirit works two ways. Comfort for the person you were prompted to contact and blessings, comfort and satisfaction to the person who followed God’s prompting.

  7. Martha

    God’s prompting spirit works two ways. Comfort for the person you were prompted to contact and blessings, comfort and satisfaction to the person who followed God’s prompting.

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