The Bank Account

How many people actually balance their checkbooks?  That sounds silly nowadays, doesn’t it?  Few have checkbooks after all.  Banking is online and based on the fact that I am constantly asked if I want a receipt, it appears not many people care about keeping track.

But, what if we saw our life as a bank account?  It’s a one-time deposit (made by God) and from then on, there are only withdrawals.  Each year, month or day that goes by – actually each moment – constitutes a subtraction from the balance which, by the way, is unknown (to us).  So, the question is: how are you spending what’s in your account?  Are your “purchases” worthless or truly valuable?

When we know there isn’t an unlimited supply of anything, we tend to be more selective.  God loved us enough to make the deposit.  It’s up to us to spend it wisely.


  1. Henry Munzinger

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only SON….deposited by God!

  2. Anna May Riddell

    What a great way to think about our salvation. Very practical and spiritual at the same time

  3. Marilin

    What’s a checkbook?

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    Yes, I do still balance my accounts! Dark ages, huh? I’m glad God’s wealth is inexhaustible!

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