Never Alone

Have you ever been alone and wished for a friend to hang out with?  The year my youngest son went to school coincided with my husband traveling a lot and my friends either going back to work or moving away.  During school hours I found myself spending all of my time with me, myself and I.  A line from the Paul Lynde Show resonated with me:  “Don’t you ever get tired of hanging around with yourself???”

Then, I began to realize the truth that I wasn’t really alone at all.  I had  a friend who was my constant companion: always with me, always ready to listen, comfort, advise.  I had read about Him, come to believe in who He is, studied His book and had come to know the truths therein, but somehow the reality of His ever-presence had not registered – not completely.  At last, it sunk in and He and I were more than on a first-name basis: we became buddies.  That may sound disrespectful, but I believe He enjoys the fact that I enjoy that!

Life goes on and pretty soon other friends entered the picture as well as other activities.  I got busy not only studying His Word, but teaching it, too.  I got busy DOING…Suddenly there wasn’t quite as much time to just “hang out” anymore.  Sure, there were conversations (sometimes a bit one-sided) and some quiet times but not like before.

Enter the Coronavirus and with it lockdown: inability to just go and do.  There was more free time to fill and there were fewer opportunities to socialize.  That actually amounted to fewer distractions.  I have always (since finding this special friend) spoken with Him anytime of the day or night.  That’s the kind of friend He is.  He’s not the “fair weather” type;  if you ignore Him or lose touch for awhile, He always welcomes you back.  But, in these weird times of quarantine, I can thank Him for making me even more aware of His 24/7 presence!  He and I have gotten closer again.  We talk all the time.  After all, His Word promises He would “never leave you nor forsake you.”  (Deuteronomy 31:5)

The question is:  why do we ever let life crowd out the One who IS life and gives life?  If you don’t already know Him, don’t miss out on His love and care and constant companionship any longer.  If you do know Him, refuse to let the “stuff” of life crowd Him out.  He’s the best friend you’ll ever have and you’ll never be alone again.

Jesus said His Spirit will “abide WITH you and be IN you.”   (John 14:17)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    You said it all! I previously wrote to you about ‘The Footprints’ which also shows he is always with us 24/7 365 or 366. What a FRIEND we have in Jesus!

  2. Linda Lee Dircks

    Amen … what a friend!!

  3. Sandi

    So very true!! Love having more time for my great friend !! He listens and answers !! Thank you for reminder of how great to have him!!!!

  4. Stephanie

    “If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there.” -Elisabeth Elliot

  5. Donna

    Surely a constant source of comfort to know God welcomes us anytime and anyplace! I, too, have appreciated a clean slate on my calendar. HE is faithful!!

  6. Marilin

    As evidenced during this quarantine period, we can be alone but not lonely, because Jesus is always with us. (Joshua 1:9)

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