An Undeniable Undercurrent

Growing up in Montana in the summer was an incredible gift and it keeps on giving as I am still able to visit once a year and wallow in the majesty and beauty of God’s creation.  Glacier National Park has snow-covered peaks which melt and provide the water that tumbles down the mountainside, filling up the lakes and streams.  Lake McDonald benefits from the run-off which then empties out at the foot of the lake into the Flathead River.  My son, Troy, suggested we float the creek on paddle boards and it was an absolutely amazing time which was also quite instructive.

On the lake itself, during the busy season, there is the constant noise of speedboats flying by, the conversations of those on small boats (who don’t realize what they’re saying carries over the water) as well as others on paddle boards, kayaks and other types of watercraft.  We were blessed with a perfect weather day and no other people following the same path we were.  It was completely and totally quiet and made me realize how much noise surrounds us on a daily basis (tinnitis, notwithstanding).  Serene doesn’t begin to describe it.  There were a few areas of obvious currents that rushed us along but none that were ever frightening or overwhelming.  What I did notice was the fact that we continued moving forward toward our destination without effort on our part because of the imperceptible undercurrent.  Occasionally we participated by paddling to steer to avoid a branch that hung out over the water, but for the most part we did nothing and it just carried us along.

There is a parallel here.  Those who know the Lord are drawn to Him in the most imperceptible ways.  He leads and guides and draws us to our ultimate destination, which is to be with Him but, in the meantime, He offers us the quiet and peace that only He can give.  That undeniable undercurrent is His love.  We may not see it but it’s always there.


“He leads me beside quiet waters.  He restores my soul.”  (Psalm 23:2-3)


  1. Linda

    Whew, thank you for sharing this beautiful story. How you connect your experiences to God’s Word is such a blessing.

  2. Larry

    Thank you Lord and thank you Teri for the reminder. A good start to my day! Calming!

  3. Marnie

    Beautiful 🙂 Thanks again for sharing!

  4. Linda

    The scene you described is beautiful and refreshing so is God’s love. I felt refreshed after reading it. Thank you, Terri.


    I am experienced with this phenomenon, as well. Having grown up in the wilderness my entire youth was spent in the woods, on the water … solitude. I loved it! Your story really strikes home…thanks for sharing. I am so glad for you to have a solid connection to the home of your youth! Thank you.

  6. Martha Emmons

    Thank God for that undercurrent of love.

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