Mr. Irrelevant

A young kid from Gilbert, Arizona, went to Iowa State where he played quarterback for their football team.  He set numerous records and those who watched him play expected him to get a shot at the NFL.  The week of the draft came that year (2022) and narry a team expressed interest in him – until the final round when he got picked up by the San Francisco 49ers.  Since the 1970s, the player drafted last has been known as “Mr. Irrelevant”.  (Were you ever chosen last in a neighborhood pick-up game)?

Fast forward to the Fall season that year.  The kid was third string QB behind Jimmy Garapolo and Trey Lance.  Over the course of the season both suffered injuries and were side-lined.  Enter Mr. Irrelevant.  Buckle up, sports fans!  Brock Purdy showed his stuff, winning all five games he started (continuing their streak) which took them to the NFC championship game.  The following year (2023), he was their starter racking up a team record for passing yards in a season, being nominated to the Pro-Bowl and leading them to the Super Bowl.  Most players who are drafted last never even play a game in the NFL, much less experience such success.

According to, the word irrelevant means:  “not relevant, applicable or pertinent, extraneous, inconsequential, insignificant, unnecessary”.

Has anyone else ever felt this way?  We’re born; we die.  When we’re gone, who remembers?  Is your life or my life unnecessary or inconsequential?

God had a purpose for putting each of us here.  “I know the plans I have for you…”  (Jeremiah 29:11).  For example, an interaction you have with someone – even a stranger – may have an effect on their lives that you will never know about.

As each day turns into the next and the clock ticks down the number of our days, it’s easy to feel like Mr. (or Ms.) Irrelevant.  We may not have the public success of young Mr. Purdy, but if the God of the universe loved each one of us enough to die for us, then NO ONE is insignificant.  Good news:  you and I are NOT irrelevant, and we are loved.


“But, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  (Romans 5:8)

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of God…”  (1 John 3:1)




    Aren’t we grateful that IN HIM we have significance! What a blessing. Thanks Teri

  2. todd

    great message and yes we are all important in his eyes

  3. Judy

    God had a plan for the many babies aborted.

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