Take the Lead

It seems as human beings we often want to be the one out front, the one in the lead, the one everyone else is following.  The one everyone else wants to be.  Or, do they?  There’s a lot of pressure in that position.  There’s the pressure of maintaining that spot.  Ask any Super Bowl championship team or any top golfer.  Getting on the top of the leader board is quite a feat.  But, that isn’t the end:  then, they have to work to stay there.

There are many aspects of life where there is only one leader.  Only one can lead in battle; otherwise, there is not only chaos, but additional loss of life.  Only one person can lead a business, or all the other opinions argue with one another and the business flutters and ultimately fails.  There is only one general contractor who builds the house, or it comes to a standstill and nothing gets done.  In a home and marriage, one has to defer to another or there is constant discussion and often division. Even in something like dancing, there is only one leader.  Can you imagine Ginger Rogers arguing with Fred Astaire over who should follow whom?

Where does this leave us in our relationship with the Lord?  Are we trying to be Fred Astaire and do all the leading?  Or, can we be Ginger Rogers and learn to follow?  After all, without Him, we wouldn’t even be here!

O, Lord, please take the lead.


Jesus said, “Follow Me…”   (Matthew 4:19, 8:22; John 21:19)


  1. Martha

    Take the lead Lord. Help me give it to you. It is a burden I don’t have to carry. Thank you.

  2. Pam Bayha

    Amen! Wonderful reminder. ❤

  3. Linda Dircks

    And Ginger “followed” backwards and in heels! Follow at all costs. How grateful we must be to have a PERFECT Leader … We must look to the Master!

  4. Marilin

    Yes, like Linda said, our leader is perfect, He makes no mistakes, so we can follow with confidence that He won’t lead us astray. Praise!

  5. Donna

    Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Help me follow closely dear Lord.

  6. Linda Reidenbaugh

    Excellent word, Teri! After contemplating your words, I realized that if we follow God, we go through all it takes for the ongoing process of sanctification. As the old song goes, “…the world behind me, the cross before me…” Maybe I’ll camp here for a while.

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