Who Needs Help?

A very strong Will thought he was rough and tough and he could do anything he liked.  He was just sure he ruled the world.  Actually, he was just a little squirt with a big attitude.

He decided to build a tree house.  His dad offered to help, but “No way!”  He didn’t need any help.  He struggled to use a saw on the wood, but all the cuts were crooked.  He worked so hard to haul the pieces up into the tree but kept dropping them as he climbed the ladder.  Once at the top, he noticed the hammer and nails were on the ground.  Would he ask for help?  No way!  He just walked away from the project and went on to tackle a new one.

Seeing the next idea to completion proved to be equally as difficult and frustrating.  He went into his room and slammed the door.  After what she thought was adequate time for a bit of a cooling off period, his mom knocked softly on the door.  Entering upon hearing his mumble, she said, “Oh, my dear Will, why do you struggle so?  You can’t do everything on your own.  Where did you get the idea that you don’t need anyone?  Your father has offered to help.  He’s always available.  Why do you keep refusing him?”

Is there perhaps a strong will living in each one of us?  Refusing our Father’s help?  He’s always available.  And, He loves us even when we’re stubborn and overly SELF-confident.  How much energy do we waste trying to prove we don’t need help?  Are we just a “little squirt with a big attitude”?


“My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth…” (Psalm 121:2)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”   (Proverbs 3:5)


  1. Larry

    Thank you Lord and thank you Teri! Thankful for my Heavenly Father who’s always there waiting on me!

  2. Linda

    Now that brings repentance…

  3. Martha

    We have not because we ask not. He waits to be asked.

  4. Marnie

    Nice! He is always there when we need him 🙂

  5. Marilin

    Stubborn. For a long time I didn’t know what DIY meant. I like LGH better. (Let God Help)

  6. Linda Christian

    I love this story. Clear, simple, profound message. Timely for me today.

  7. Linda Dircks

    Ain’t that the truth! Thanks for a reminder for self evaluation!

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