Auto Pilot

In their book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey wrote an amazing description of the human body, its complexities and intricacies. I have a grandson who is studying biology in hopes of becoming a doctor, but there is much of it (with all the technical medical terms that seem unpronounceable) that I fail to understand.  Nonetheless, it is a fantastic design.

Many years ago I visited a school for disabled children where I also met with the administrator.  As she walked me to the door, she said something I have never forgotten.  “The unusual thing is not the child who is born with a disability; the amazing thing is the child who is born with no issues at all – because there are so many things that can go wrong.”  I was dumbstruck by her statement.  It’s the opposite of how we view it.  But, it’s actually true.  Check out a newborn infant. The average weight is 5.5-8 #s.  Within that small package are all the parts of the human body – everything that child will need for the balance of his/her life.  We wonder at that and how it all fits in someone so very tiny.

The human body is a marvel.  All of the various pieces of equipment operate like a well-oiled machine with no effort on our part.  During a 24-hour period, we take 20,000-22,000 breaths.  Granted, we can take a breath when we want to do so, but for the most part our breathing is involuntary.

As we age, of course, we are not exactly the Energizer battery that “keeps going and going and going…”  We do slow down, some parts get rusty and eventually something gives out.  But, for most of our lives things operate without any effort on our part.  We don’t participate in the function of our liver or kidneys on any given day.  They just run on their own.  Auto pilot.

What a miracle.  What a treasure.  Thank you, Lord, for this amazing gift.


“I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”  (Psalm 139:14a)


  1. Linda Dircks

    Amen to that! We are a wonder to behold, by a Creator of miracles! Thanks for the thought…

  2. Linda

    We just operate from what is already going on complete unaware of all that is operating in our body. It kinda reminds me of all the blessings God has bestowed upon us (Ephesians 1). And, from that position we are to operate. Some of these thoughts are just too vast and deep to fully grasp! God is good, all the time!!!

    • Pam Bayha

      This is so beautiful and such a reminder of all God’s amazing works. Can’t wait to share this one with my grandkids. Puts so many things in perspective. Praying that they will catch the awe in our awesome God. Thank you Teri!❤

  3. Larry

    I retrieved your blog so think I am connected again. I missed these for a couple weeks. We are truly amazingly designed creatures. Thank you Lord. Incomprehensible that so much of the world can’t see the God/creator who made us with such loving care!

  4. Sandi Nagel

    What an amazing reminder of God’s amazing care for us!!!! As we begin and grow !! Aging with Grace!!! Thank you 🙏 for your wisdom!!!!

  5. Sandra

    “We slow down, and some parts get rusty”…all part of one’s amazing life cycle!

  6. Marilin

    I have become more aware of how wonderfully we are made with the arrival of Baby Kairie. Sometimes I just look at her, and what she’s doing, and ask, “How did God do that?” We are truly a miracle of His own design, even with a little rust. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Martha

    We are no accident of evolution, we are a miracle made by God.

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