Losing Track of Jesus

We know very little of Jesus during the time He was growing up.  The one story we do have involves the family trip to celebrate the Feast of the Passover when He was 12 years of age.  Because they traveled in large groups and caravans with many friends and relatives, they left the city assuming He was with them.  It wasn’t until they had gone a day’s journey that they realized He had been left behind.  Imagine their concern as they rushed back to Jerusalem.  The Scripture tells us that they finally found Him after three days.  As a mom, I would personally be panicked!  When a child is lost, there is tremendous fear.  But, when the child is found unharmed, the immediate response is, “How could you do this to me?  Scaring me like that?”  From fear to frustration.  Mary and Joseph were no different, asking how He could do this to them.

His answer is classic.  “Why is it you were looking for Me?  Did you not know I had to be in My Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49).  In other words, you should know where to find Me.  You’re the ones who got off track.

Have you ever lost track of Jesus?  He seems to be MIA.  One of my favorite (I believe, anonymous) saying is:  “If Jesus seems far away, who moved?”

There are times in most, if not all our lives, when Jesus seems to be missing.  He’s silent.  He may seem to have disappeared from our personal world.  But, is that really true?  When his parents were frantically looking for Him, He was right where He was supposed to be.  It’s the same in our lives.  He’s right where He needs to be.  Right where He promised.  His prayer to the Father in John 17 states: “I (Jesus) in them and You (God) in Me.”  At the close of Matthew 28 (verse 20), Jesus promises “…and, lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.”

We admire people who are dependable.  Those who do what they say and are trustworthy.  There is none more trustworthy and dependable than Jesus.  He is your constant companion.  He never abandons you.  Have you lost track of Him and now feel He has left you?  Impossible!  Where did you last meet up with Him?  Where did He last show Himself to you?  Go back to that in your mind and heart.  Revisit that spot.  He’s not the one who left.  He never does.


“And, you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”  (Jeremiah 29:13)


  1. Anne

    The older I get the clearer I see….He always shows up. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Larry

    I try see Him through others when He seems to be missing! The body of Christ! Thx Teri! Your blog is an extension of Him!

  3. Linda Dircks

    Ain’t it the truth! “Who moved” … His promises are guaranteed, we must never fret for He is with us always … to the end of the age (and beyond!) Thanks for your message, Teri!

  4. Marilin

    This is so true. When I hear people asking where God is, I think of that saying. “He’s right where He always is. Where are you?”

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