Lord, I Need A Little Push

“Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief.”  Have you ever wondered about this statement?  It’s in the Bible (Mark 9:24), spoken by someone who was physically in the Lord’s presence.

Do the two statements contradict each other?  Belief and unbelief?  If we have faith when we sit down in a chair that it’s going to hold us, in applying this verse, apparently we would start to sit down but not feel quite safe enough to put all our weight on the chair.  Maybe when the light turns green, we’d inch out but not blast forward.

How many blessings do we miss by hesitating?    When the sons of Israel found the Jordan River at flood stage, they must have thought (though God had already parted the Red Sea), “Oh, boy.  We’re stuck now.”  All they had to do was stick their toe in the water.  A tiny step forward.  What if they hadn’t?

Sometimes we find ourselves saying, “Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief.”  Gee.  I wonder why the Bible is so full of the admonition to “remind, remember”.  The little push we need is often stamped on the many ways He has seen us through in the past, if we will just REMEMBER.


“I shall remember the deeds of the Lord…”   (Psalm 77:11)



  1. Martha Emmons

    Remember, remember is the little push I need. Thanks Teri.

  2. Stephanie

    Some nights are harder than others, so I give everything to God, again. Help my unbelief, lack of trust and impatience!

  3. Marilin

    Thanks for “remember.” God keeps His promises, and look at all the wonderful things He has done. I need to remember when in doubt.

  4. Linda Dircks

    Psalm 118:21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me and have become my salvation.

    Psalm 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

    In the telling we better remember!

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