What IF…?

Nine year old Will burst out of the back door, fishing pole over his shoulder, anxious to get to the creek for some fishing and time away from his annoying little brother.  His mom had explained all about loving the little pest.  Yea, sure.  But, she didn’t understand what he had to put up with.  The kid was always messing with his stuff and wanting to hang out with Will and his friends.  Ugh.  Who could love somebody so impossible?

As he followed the well-worn path, he suddenly stumbled upon a great anthill.  It caught his attention and he stopped to peer down at all the frenetic activity.  They were hustling about all over as if they knew what they were doing.  They seemed to have a purpose and were all busy, from what he could tell.  He wondered what it would be like to be one of them.  So tiny and unimportant looking.  Then, he thought:

What IF God asked me to leave my comfy life and become one of them?  Me?


Well, maybe if it would get me away from you-know-who.  But, what IF God then wanted me to make friends with all those weird ants and help them – even if it turned out they didn’t even like me?


What IF God loved them and wanted someone to die to spare all of them and He wanted me to do that for those unappreciative creatures?  Gee, I can’t even love my brother.

Leave this comfy place where I get to fish and do what I want, to become someone tiny and unimportant looking to help a bunch who don’t even know they need help?  Become one of them?  Get stepped on, squished and die?

But, wait.  Will just remembered a lesson from Sunday School.  Isn’t that what Jesus did?  He was pretty comfy in heaven.  He could see people on earth, scurrying around all over.  Then, His Father said, “Time to go.  Those dear ones need you.”  Did Jesus say:

NO WAY!!!!

No, thought Will, He put on a body like a coat.  He left heaven and came down to earth.  He lived among men and women and boys and girls.  He became one of us.

He knew He’d get stepped on (crucified) by those He came to help and save.

He did it because God asked Him to.  He did it because He loves everyone, even if they’re annoying.  Picking up his fishing pole, Will thought about the lesson from the anthill.  Deciding to go home, he realized:  I guess my brother isn’t so bad after all.

(Got someone annoying in your life?)


“Love your neighbor as yourself…”  (Matthew 22:39)

“Love is patient, love is kind…”  (1 Corinthians 13:4)


  1. Linda Dircks

    What a terrific analogy! Thank you for perspective…remembering what God has asked us to do can be challenging!

  2. Larry

    Great word picture. Love that!

  3. Judy

    Amen and Amen!!

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