Take A Break

If you aren’t addicted to the news, perhaps someone you know is.  That’s all they can talk about.  The 24-hour news cycle nowadays has us all in a tizzy most of the time.  Everything that is labeled “Breaking News” is always negative.  And, we have a constant deluge of it all day long!  No wonder Prozac is so popular.

There have been a few times when I have gone “cold turkey” and literally stuck my head in the sand when it comes to the news.    It’s amazing how much better I feel!  Before the advent of satellite dishes, going to the house in Montana was a great escape from the negative barrage.  But, with today’s technology, you can even check the latest happenings on your phone while on a car trip across the country.  Heaven help us if we missed some new development or didn’t hear about it for 20 minutes.

In the midst of all this negativity, we can easily fall prey to the idea that EVERYTHING is bad.  But, go out in public and you will find that there are still nice people out there.  People who hold the door open for someone, people who offer you their place in line, people who care.  Of course, we’d miss that if we had our faces in our cell phones.

There are even – surprise! – stories of the good things people do.  I see many of those myself and they restore your faith in humanity.  They reassure us that not everything has “gone to hell in a handbasket”, as we so often hear.

I’ve decided that, short of becoming some sort of an activist (not my calling), there really isn’t  much I can do about the condition of this world except vote, live out and share my faith and pray without ceasing.

So, how about we all take a break?   Marvel at the scenery, the sunsets, the beautiful moon, look for the good in stories and in people, enjoy each other.  Even Jesus got away to rest and pray.


“Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for your souls.”  (Matthew 11:28)


  1. Linda

    So much of the news is sensationalism which wears down the believer’s faith BUT, like you said, there are many things in our sphere of influence to be excited about and to influence others with encouragement. Hmmm, the negative news promotes discouragement and fear and, if we hold on to that we can become depleted and have nothing to offer others. Time to read a good book and get pumped up!

  2. Cathy


  3. Larry

    Amen! Thx for that Teri! Very Good advice!

  4. Sandra

    And again, I say Amen. As I look out my window at the beautiful sunrises, I’m daily reminded of His infinite blessings. A happy healthy new year to each and every one of us!

  5. Marilin

    When things got hectic, my grandmother always told us to “take five.” I’m still doing that. It’s also a good idea to take five from all the negativity in today’s world. Was it Corrie Ten Boom who said,
    “If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed.
    If you look within, you’ll be depressed.
    If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.”
    Take five!

  6. Martha Emmons

    Joe and I can verify that there are many good, encouraging, kind people out there. Praise God for each one.

  7. Marnie

    Thank The Lord for those people in the world that still make the day special!

  8. Linda Dircks

    Distressed or depressed … rest is a better option! Great ‘heads up’ Teri!

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