No Thanksgiving? Why Not?

As a Spanish major, I was blessed to spend my junior and senior years of college in Mexico.  My dorm room overlooked the volcano Popocatepetl (meaning Smoking Mountain) which is stunningly beautiful and fortunately, did not decide to erupt while I was there.

My mom had a habit of writing a postcard (remember those?) to her parents every day and she added me to her list when I went away to school.  Oftentimes her “news” would include relating the weather or what she was planning for dinner – which is particularly hard to hear about since it’s not unusual to miss mom’s cooking in those circumstances.  In early November one of her notes inquired as to my plans for Thanksgiving.  I had to let her know that we would not be celebrating Thanksgiving where I was which she could not grasp.  No Thanksgiving?  Right.  Well, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, not Acapulco…Apparently, there are some celebrations but it was not my experience when I was there.  We did not get the day or the week off from class and there was no big dinner anywhere.  No turkey.  No trimmings.  No family gathering.

In reflecting back on this it occurred to me:  “No Thanksgiving? Why not?”  is a great question.  Do we honestly have to rely on one day a year in which to be thankful?  The other question is:  how many families get so caught up in the planning, preparation and chaos that the meal becomes the focus (besides stuffing ourselves) rather than actually taking time out to consider our blessings and to be grateful?  Do we need to set a time to stop and thank God for His provision?  The other day a guy ignored a traffic light and drove right in front of me.  A few seconds difference and there would have been a very different outcome.  How many times a day might God be protecting you or me from something we are totally unaware of?  How often are we thankful for where we live, or for health or family or a job that helps provide for what our family needs?  Yes, there are many things which befall each of us.  But, what are we missing that falls under the category of blessing?

This year let’s not let the turkey and the craziness distract us from stopping to acknowledge the good things in our lives.  And, how about continuing with that even after the day called Thanksgiving is long since passed?


“In everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


  1. Cathy

    Amen! So good!❤️🤗

  2. Stephanie

    I’m so thankful for all the Granny memories I have, but never knew the postcard treasure. How sweet!

    • Donna

      Agree Teri! So much for which to give thanks!

  3. Linda Dircks

    Absolutely true. A very good, important thought to ponder. If we build a habit of thankfulness no blessing would go unnoticed. We must practice gratitude! Thanks, Teri!

  4. Larry

    Thanks for the reminder Teri and Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you Lord!

  5. Sandra

    In all things give thanks… blessed we are regardless of circumstances.

  6. Marnie

    So thankful for all the special memories and for family! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family 🙂

  7. Linda Christian

    Beautiful and right on point

  8. Marilin

    Thanksgiving should be an every day attitude.

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