That Old Comparison Trap

My Aunt Margaret was the quintessential mom:  every burner on the stove going because none of her offspring liked the same thing; whipping up pies and even homemade donuts that made store-bought seem stale.  She was always knitting something or finishing up a quilt for someone.  And, she loved nothing better than a house full of kids and their friends.

My mom (her sister) was the polar opposite.  Her focus was shopping for bargains, traveling the world and having fun.  (In fact, she was a character!).  She made one thing at meals and that’s what we had.   Make no mistake:  we weren’t unloved or neglected.  Not by along shot.  But, it was definitely different than my aunt’s house.

Does that make one better than the other?  No way!  We forget that we are not the ultimate judge (though at times we do a pretty good job at pretending it’s our role).

Has anyone else ever fallen into the trap of comparing yourself to someone else?  I’m not the best cook (understatement), I can’t sew a straight line with a machine and if I ever sang a solo, the room would empty out faster than any fire drill.

But, God has assured me:  “I don’t love you for what you DO, but for who you ARE.”

I have 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law and 7 grandchildren (call me blessed).  All are very different, but each one is very special because God has given them gifts, talents, abilities and personalities that are their very own.  It’s simply fascinating to see how He develops and uses (or will use) them – each in his or her own unique way.

Comparing is fine if you’re shopping for the best deal on something.  But, let’s be cautious when it transfers to others or ourselves.  God made you the way He did for  a reason.  Stop comparing yourself to someone else and let Him use you.

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made…”   (Ps. 139:14)


  1. Crystal Hamilton

    All I can do is smile!

  2. Stephanie

    So true, yet so hard!

  3. Linda

    Thank you! YOU are ESSENTIAL! But, we all are, aren’t we? May we find the balance in satisfaction for who we are and willingness to build on that without coveting the gifts in others.

  4. Donna

    So well said Teri!! Sometimes it’s easier to look at others than to look closely in the mirror.
    You are blessed with your family!!

  5. Marilin

    I admit – I compare. Sometimes comparing may inspire us to do better, try harder. I said DO better, not BE better. With God we are already best! Thank you for the reminder!

  6. Henry Munzinger

    I am who I am. O Lord use me according to thy will. Shine through me Lord that others may always see your glory.

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