I’ll Believe It When I See It!

Many people scoff at the idea of faith because it’s not tangible.  They can’t actually see it.  Yet, these same folks will follow traffic signals and assume everyone else will, too.  They’ll pull up a chair and plop their weight on it, expecting it to hold them.  But, chairs and other drivers aren’t always reliable.

There are plenty of things we may see that aren’t truly real.  A ventriloquist makes her puppet move and speak and sing and project a certain persona.  An illusionist can make things both appear and disappear.  In fact, Dave can make it look like I’m standing in front of Buckingham Palace when I haven’t even left our living room – through the use of a green screen and digital editing.  The recent Tom Hanks movie Greyhound was all about a ship in World War II and they never left the studio, yet you would swear they were being tossed about on the sea.

Most of us (if not all) live by faith to varying degrees (but, faith in what?), even though we don’t realize it.  The problem with trusting the very One who made us – whom we can’t see – is that we have to recognize He’s in charge and, as control freaks, we don’t want to do that.

Thomas wanted to see the wounds on Jesus’ body first so Jesus granted his request, then saying, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed?  Blessed are they who do not see, yet believe.”  (John 21:29).

When I first answered that knock on the door and recognized and acknowledged the Lord, it was as if a light (“I am the light of the world”)  went on and suddenly I saw things clearer.  So, is seeing believing…or, is believing seeing?

Remember:  God knocks, but He won’t break the door down.


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock…”  (Revelation 3:20)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”  (Proverbs 3:5)

“I once was blind, but now I see.”  (John 9:25)


  1. Donna

    Praise the LORD for enlightening our eyes & hearts to SEE & believe Him! 👏🏻👏🏻🙌

  2. Linda Dircks

    Excellent thoughts! Faith is proven particularly when we’re confident. But we must be appointing our confidence in TRUTH. Thanks T.

  3. Larry

    Love the pictures your words and His give us! Thx

  4. Marilin

    Thanks , Teri.

  5. Marnie

    Thank you 🙂

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