From Prickly to Perfect

Several weeks ago on my walk, I passed by this ugly cactus on my way and questioned why anyone would choose to plant such a thing in their yard.  Imagine my surprise as I sauntered by the same place today and was met with such amazing beauty – from the same plant!

In the midst of these uncertain days when we are so isolated from each other, we may be starting to wonder what it’s all about, how long it will go on and to what end?  When confronted with a certain circumstance that is not what we are used to, or is of our liking, we tend to see only what is causing us discomfort or inconvenience.  Yet, out of something ugly, something beautiful may come.   Ask yourself:  when was the last time you had some quality time with your children – not running off to this lesson or that practice?  When have you had time to clean out a closet or enjoy the flowers that are beginning to bloom?  When have you stopped long enough to count your blessings?  The saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining” is true.  Stop and think back to a trial in your life – one that you were later able to see work in your favor.

The “pause button” that has been hit for us may look as ugly as the cactus originally appeared.  But, look closer.  You may even see buds forming.  There may be some beauty hidden.  Let’s not miss it!

“God makes all things work together for good…”    (Rom. 8:28)


  1. Donna

    Ahhhh, open my eyes LORD. I don’t want to miss the beauty. 😊

  2. Marilin

    God has a plan. I don’t know what it is, but I believe that many good things are going to come out of this current virus situation. As you mentioned, already good things are taking place. There will be change, and the God who loves us is in charge of it all. Be Blessed as you focus on God’s goodness. Live today but look forward to tomorrow.

  3. Henry Munzinger

    People may think I’m crazy, I will thank God for the bad as well as the good. Whether we are going through whatever crisis in our life. Not only is God with us, he knows the outcome. Our Lord will always take care of us according To The Lord’s Will.

  4. Linda

    Ain’t it the truth! We’re giving thanks and rejoicing in all things. We are confident that trusting in the Lord is not only our only option at the moment – but, our greatest joy.

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