And, Yet There is Hope

Easter is upon us, though it may not seem like it.  Life goes on in such an unfamiliar way to us that is has become clouded and we feel like a ship off-course.

I have a precious granddaughter and a beloved sister who are currently both ill, one hospitalized.  Neither suffers from that which has become the world’s obsession and seemingly the controller of our lives:  coronavirus.  This reminds us that it is not the sole combatant that threatens our health and our existence.

Yet, in the midst of continual reports of death, we are reminded of the One who died and was raised to new life – a picture for us that death is not the last word and this is not all there is.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”    (John 3:16)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    We just had ‘Good Friday’, people wonder why it is called ‘Good Friday’ when Jesus Christ died a horrible crucifixion and death. It is Good because God the Father gave his one and only son to Save us all that believe. Jesus conquered Death for all. Yes, death is not the end, it is the Beginning.

  2. Donna

    Thank you Teri for pointing us to Lasting HOPE! I appreciate your blog and can imagine your voice speaking these words.
    GREAT Encouragement!!

    Asking God to tenderly care for your loved ones!

  3. Marilin

    Thanks, Teri. In these days of confusion and uncertainty, I am thankful that one thing is clear – God is sovereign.

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