Poof! It’s Gone!

At a family dinner, my daughter-in-law shared the story of the latest with my not yet two-year old grandson.  It seems when he would find himself in trouble of any sort, he had taken to squeezing his eyes shut tightly, imagining that would make him invisible and therefore, the trouble would also disappear.  Close my eyes and poof!  It’s gone!  As she was relating this, he sat on her lap with his eyes clamped shut and the slightest little grin on his face.  Thís may work for a small child at times because he/she is so cute.  But, eventually we all grow out of that cute stage and reality sets in.

This made me wonder:  what things am I closing my eyes to and imagining they have disappeared and are no longer an issue?  Let’s face it:  there are consequences in life, aren’t there?  If I forget to get gas in the car (or, plug it in, as the case may be) pretty soon it’s just going to stop.  If I refuse to go to the store to get food, I’ll be hungry.  If I decide to ignore a stop sign, I might hit someone or get hit.

We may want to ignore some things but sooner or later, they catch up.  Do we shut our eyes to something, hoping it will go away?  What are you and I ignoring in our lives?  One day our time will be up and we won’t be able to make it up.  There will be no do-overs.

There’s an issue that is the most important one any of us must face:  what to do with Jesus?  People often think there are many ways to God.  But, Jesus Himself said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.”  He proclaimed it definitively.  “I am THE Way…”  (John 14:6).  He said in John 10:9, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved.”  In Matthew 7:13-14 He says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many are those who enter by it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life and few are those who find it.”  And, why is that?  Because we don’t want to be told what to do.  We don’t like to have limitations put on us.  Sometimes we just don’t want to bother to make a decision or commit to anything.  We’d rather just cruise along.  If I close my eyes (like little Larsson), it will just go away.  Poof!  It’s gone!  But, no…Poof ! You’re gone!  And, then it’s too late.  No do-overs.

Matthew 12:30 quotes Jesus as saying, “He who is not with Me is against Me.”  Is that how it’s going to be?  I forget about it or I just ignore it and I expect it to just go away?

I saw a sign recently that read simply: “Yesterday you said tomorrow.”  What are you closing your eyes to and ignoring?  Poof…


“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”  (Hebrews 3:7-8)


  1. Sharon Elliott

    Really enjoyed what you said today. How true that sometimes we do close our eyes in hopes that it will go away. But God is there by my side saying open your eyes.

  2. Larry

    Relate completely. Got some stuff going on in my family and I’d love to squeeze my eyes shut and have it go away. Someday soon all that stuff that’s hard to face now will be in the past and we’ll be in His presence. Thankfully!

  3. Sandi Nagel

    What a great example of wanting to close our eyes to decisions and things we don’t want to face!! Thank you for sharing Larsson and his way of dealing with life!!!!

  4. Linda

    Good, thought provoking word! Little did Lars know he was making a way to an eternal message!!THANK you!

  5. Marnie

    Peek-a-Boo!! We can close our eyes to many issues/problems, but once you open them back up they are still there. Trust in the Lord and He will ease your troubles. Love the pic and story that went with it 🙂

  6. Sandra

    Once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Thank you, T.

  7. Todd

    Little Larsson is lucky he is cute, because wow what a handful! But you’re right, he’s a representation of what we do later in life by trying to ignore.

  8. Donna

    Oh we can learn much from youngsters! Cute pic of Lars; grateful he has a wise grandma. Well communicated truths to consider. . . Today!

  9. Linda Christian

    Love your perspective and thoughtful questions!

  10. Marilin

    Helps me be aware that we can”t run away from our problems. We need to run to Jesus.

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