By Faith

Some people are movie buffs; others prefer to read.  But, have you ever read a book again or watched a movie a second time and noticed something you missed the first time?  Oftentimes people overlook that possibility when it comes to the Bible.  “Oh, I read Jonah already…”

The book of Hebrews tells us:  “The Word of God is living and active”  (Hebrews 4:12).  That means it’s not dead – it still applies – and it’s active which means it still speaks.  This is why we can read it again and again and learn something new – even if we’ve read it before.  I have often thought that this book brings together both the Old and the New Testaments in a way that makes both of them more understandable.

My reading took me to Hebrews 11 recently:  The Faith Chapter.  Well known and well read.  It’s an amazing repertoire of God’s people who lived by faith to such an extent that their names are actually listed in the Word of God.  Imagine if that were you!

Hebrews 11 explains:

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not yet seen.”

That means believing in something invisible that has not yet happened.  How many of us do that?  I was particularly struck this time with all these people did, how they hung in there, no matter how bad things got or appeared.

Look at the list:


  1. Noah – who believed God about a flood coming even though there was no body of water nearby and there had not yet been rain, yet he built an ark, anyway, in the face of mocking and jeering.
  2. Abraham – who left home to follow God, even though he didn’t have a clue where he was going, trusted God for a son when the possibility seemed long since gone, then offered that long-awaited son up on the altar, not knowing God would eventually provide the offering Himself.
  3. Moses – who left the comforts of Egypt to live in the desert for 40 years and then lead the sons of Israel out of bondage, though they were many and rebellious
  4. Rahab – who chose to align herself with the God she had only heard of, by hiding the spies at great risk to herself and her family.
  5. Daniel – who knew he was putting his life on the line when he continued to pray to the Lord, though the king had forbidden it and the punishment was being tossed into a den of hungry lions.

This is not a complete list.  There are others whose names are not mentioned, whose deeds ultimately cost them their lives, but they refused to give up or falter.  If you know the Lord, someday you will meet them.

My son and his wife adopted a medical needs baby several years ago.  She was diagnosed with something called HLHS which means she was born with only half a heart.  She has suffered through numerous surgeries and procedures, many sicknesses and issues.  Most of the things she has/had, I have never heard of before.  Her parents were told from the outset that longevity was not in her future.  It’s easy to nod your head in acknowledgement of those words but what about when push comes to shove?  Yet, faith has enabled them to live each day in gratitude that they’ve been given yet one more.  As my precious granddaughter faces a possible heart transplant someday, they know – and trust – that God’s will, will be done.

What are you facing that’s testing your faith?  Can you, like those in Hebrews 11, stand firm, trusting God no matter how things appear?


“Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…”  (Hebrews 12:1)



  1. Pam Bayha

    Good Morning Teri! Feel like you wrote this one just for me 😉. Our house goes on the market Thursday….moving to Portland next month. So many “little” unknowns compared to those heroes of faith. I needed this one. Thank you! ❤

  2. Donna

    Great encouragement to stand firm in trusting God!! Thank you Teri, for beautiful examples including your precious family.

  3. Cathy

    Teri, thank you once again for the encouragement! God is Faithful! Oh for grace to trust Him more!❤️

  4. Larry

    Thank you Teri. I needed that.

  5. Linda

    This is a wonderful look at FAITH. I just finished re-reading Jeremiah. Goodness…no good deed goes unpunished applies! Reading and re-reading scripture is terrific and reveals something deep and applicable every time. A Living Word, for sure. Thanis TT

  6. Marnie

    Read and repeat with the love of God’s grace!!

  7. Sharon Elliott

    God is so faithful. Reading and rereading scripture is good because you always learn something new

  8. Marilin

    I just completed a devotional from Hebrews on “By Faith”. Wonderful study, and meaningful for me at this time. Thanks

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