The Vision

I saw Jesus in His white robe and sandals walking along, carrying a small child in HIs arms.  The child was squirming – even sideways as to be horizontal in the Lord’s arms – but the Savior was smiling and continued on.  What the child wanted was to get down; he was tired of being held and “confined”.   Jesus knew this and continued walking, His smile one of knowing and understanding and love.  After a time, the Lord knelt down and released the child who ran off in this direction and that, relishing his freedom, not caring where he was going.  As Jesus moved forward on the walk, the child sometimes lagged behind, slipped off to one side or the other or occasionally even darted past the Lord, who was ever-mindful of the child as He walked.  I watched as the child became distracted by his surroundings, tearing petals off a flower, turning over a rock – when suddenly he jumped, and having been frightened by a snake, ran to Jesus for solace and comfort.  Jesus was quick to give it and just as quickly the child ran off again to do more exploring.  As afternoon gave way to evening, Jesus beckoned the little one to come closer, knowing darkness was coming, but the child persisted in his activity, oblivious to what surrounded him.  When he looked up and realized he was off on his own, darkness had begun to enclose him.  He was alone – and afraid.  Where was Jesus?  Where should he even begin to look?  He darted this way and that, running into bushes, tripping over logs, calling out to his special friend.  Panic overtook him and he began to cry.  Then, the soft, white robe brushed his cheek and a hand reached down to pick him up, drawing him close.  This time the child did not fidget or wiggle.  Instead, he snuggled in tight, feeling safe and loved.

The Lord kept walking, that knowing smile of love on His face.  I looked again — and the child was me.

Could this also be you???


“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”   (Joshua 1:5)


  1. Pam Bayha

    Beautifully written and such a good reminder. ❤

  2. Larry

    Wow! What a picture you’ve painted! That’s me. That’s all of us at times! And He’s there for real! Thankfully!

  3. Sandra

    Hmmm. Is it I…more often than I realize?

  4. Marnie

    No matter if we wonder off, our dear Lord is always there to keep us safe!

  5. Linda

    Surely, this is me from time to time. But my children, grandchildren and great grand child are in my mind. I see them in this scenario too. Soon, I hope, they all come back to Jesus. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Teri.

  6. Linda

    Surely, this is me from time to time. But my children, grandchildren and great grand child are in my mind. I see them in this scenario too. Soon, I hope, they all come back to Jesus. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Teri.

  7. Linda Dircks

    Oh, goodness! This is like a proverbial mirror! Surely we have far too much to distract us from the importance of a trusted, constant relationship!!

  8. Linda Christian

    What a beautiful picture of our walk with the Lord. Breathtaking!

  9. Sharon Elliott

    Beautifully said and how true. Jesus is always there holding our hand

  10. Marilin

    The tears are dripping down my face. Can this be me?

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