A Glimmer Of Hope

In the late 1980s a television show aired called Growing Pains.  One of the stars of the show (who earned two Golden Globe awards) was a young actor named Kirk Cameron.  Now a husband and father, he is not afraid to share his faith.  He recently wrote a children’s book entitled As You Grow.  His publisher contacted some 50 libraries, offering to share the story with children during story hour.  There was either no response, or it was rejected outright.  The library in Providence, Rhode Island refused, claiming they were  a “queer-friendly” place, among similar responses.  He was finally allowed a time at the Indianapolis Public Library.  Though a reading for Drag Queen story time was on their calendar, his was not even publicized by the library itself.  Nonetheless, some 2,500 people showed up – more than the place could hold and the most any event had garnered in over 100 years.  In the meantime, there are others speaking out for their faith:  Mike Pence, Mark Wahlberg, Harris Faulkner, Tim Tebow, Tony Dungy, Steph Curry and others.  Politics aside, these people are living out their faith in the face of opposition and ridicule.

In the wake of the horrific and frightening incident in the Bills-Bengals game recently, many began praying, realizing we do not  control everything.  Most, if not all, of life is out of our hands.  In years past our society was more open to professions of faith and prayer, recognizing we are not gods, but, rather that we need God.  One of those who was not afraid to admit that was the young former NFL quarterback-turned-sportscaster, Dan Orlovsky.  During an ESPN broadcast of an NFL show, he not only spoke of the need for prayer for Bills player Damar Hamlin (hospitalized after suffering cardiac arrest on the field), he actually bowed his head and prayed aloud on network television.  I couldn’t help but wonder how many producers might have been in a tizzy behind the scenes.  But, what a blessing!

Not everything today is dark and bleak.  Light dispels darkness and a light is currently shining.  It isn’t just up to those who have visibility and a platform.  We all bear responsibility – not to shove anything down anyone’s throat, but – to do our part to be that glimmer of hope.  Dan took his opportunity, though he was on national television.  How will you respond when God gives you a chance to represent Him?


“…and (if) My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray…I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.”   (2 Chronicles 7:14)

“Let your light shine before men…”   (Matthew 5 :16)


  1. Cathy


    • Carol MacCleary

      Thank you my friend for reminding us that we all have the opportunity daily to let our voices be heard. May we be found faithful.

  2. Mary

    Well said! Convicting. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  3. Sandi Nagel

    Yes, yes and yes!!! Our light needs to shine and we need to be bold!!! PTL that we are seeing the Lord work !!! Thanks for great reminder!!!!

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    It’s interesting that when the church gets silenced; believers will speak up! God is present to us and will stand for us when we STAND for Him. We must practice and be prepared to give an answer…. Thanks, Teri!

  5. Donna

    Well said! May I be a glimmer. . .

  6. Pamela Bayha

    What a wonderful reminder, Teri. It is easy to get discouraged, but this message was so encouraging and challenging. It made my heart smile, and hopefully my light to shine brighter. Thank you! Thank you!

  7. Marilin

    I used to think “This Little Light of Mine” was a children’s song. Boy, was I wrong!!

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