What Part Of “No”…

You’ve probably heard the saying, “What part of ‘No’ don’t you understand?”  These two short letters express something definitive.  “No” needs only action to back it up.

Two significant events occur this week:   Election Day and Veterans Day.    We have free elections BECAUSE of our veterans.  Freedom isn’t free.  Many have given the ultimate sacrifice – their lives – that you and I could live in this freedom we now have.

We can choose to cast our ballots, or we can choose not to do so.  But, if things don’t go the way we think they should, let’s say “NO” to violence.  Our children deserve better.  And, let’s say “NO” to ignoring those we know who served our country and,  at the very least gave up their youth and their innocence on our behalf.  Our veterans also deserve better.


“Seek peace and pursue it.”   (Psalm 34:14)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    For sure! When we’re out to lunch and see someone in uniform we notify the server to bring us their ticket or put their lunch on ours. When we see any uniform we say, “Thank you for serving.” If there is any way we can express our gratitude and give encouragement to these sacrificial lives – we want to comply!

  2. Marilin

    The timing was interesting this year. First we voted, then we honored our veterans. Seems it should be the other way around, since many gave their lives so we could have the freedom to vote.

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