The Boat Ride

Growing up, we spent summers on Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.  It was amazing.  Surrounded by the majesty of God’s creation.  We always had a boat, and my dad was one who loved to see me take it out which I did frequently.  There is something about being on the water under those mountain peaks that is incredibly peaceful.  Dad and I would often go out in the midst of a storm, too, and ride the waves.  It was such a good time with him.

However, during my high school and college years, he would say, “Let’s take a boat ride,” and I could always tell by his tone whether this was going to be fun or instructional.  My sister and I joked about the “dreaded” boat ride.  After all it would be just Dad and me.  This was the time long before cell phones or even a radio on board and the lake was glacier-fed so it was too cold to jump into and swim.   He had a captive audience – undivided attention until he decided to turn back home.

I miss those rides now that my dad is gone.  I’m grateful to have had them.  But, I have also wondered:  do we ever spend this kind of time with God?  Giving Him our undivided attention?  When was the last time you took a “boat ride” with the Lord?  He may be inviting you to join Him.  Don’t miss the opportunity!


  1. Marilin Hyder

    Thank you for reminding me that a “boat ride” with the Lord might be His only way of getting my total attention. Bon Voyage!

  2. Todd

    I’d like to echo Marilin’s words here, very important and easy to overlook. Need to be better about it in the future

  3. Henry Munzinger

    The amazing thing about God he is always here, you just have to let him in. He loves when we talk to our FATHER, after all we are his children, he cares about us so much that he sent his SON to save us. I love talking to God my heavenly FATHER any moment of the day. It is so comforting knowing he is always here.

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, how lovely are the feet of those who bring the Word! Your feet are lovely. Thank you for taking me back to my youth and the many times Dad or Mom drew me aside for life chats. How wonderful to be reminded that our Heavenly Father is available moment by moment for encouragement, correction and reproof to better represent Him. Linda & Jim, too.

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