T M I !!!

Time for those New Year’s Resolutions – that we usually break before January comes to a close.  But, what if we actually kept one this year?  Need a suggestion on what one might be?  How about going cold turkey on the news for awhile?  We express ourselves with our vote, but otherwise, aren’t we left with prayer?  Not that that should ever be a last resort…

It seems in our 2023 world, we are inundated with “news”.  But, is it really true, or are we hearing a regurgitation of something from social media – someone’s opinion, in other words.  Rumor is passed on now as if it were gospel.

Do you know the feeling you get when you stuff yourself at a meal?  Afterward you feel almost sick because you are miserably full.  That’s the way our world is today:  over-stuffed with salacious or frightening or controversial newsbites.   And, they are just bites which are repeatedly offered for our gluttonous appetite to be “in the know”.

We are addicted to being in touch.  To our phones.  So much so that we often miss face-to-face interaction, even when sitting across the table from someone.  It seems like we might go through the DTs, if we attempted to set the attention demander aside and disconnect for awhile.

When I used to take my mom to the Mall, I would push her wheelchair between the racks in the store (she loved to shop!) but I was forever having to attempt to push things away from her as we went or she would seem to be devoured by them in our effort to maneuver between the displays.  Isn’t this similar to our worldwide web?  It can actually be a web that entraps us as we continually research every little thing.  And, in the meantime, we will of course, discover those titillating stories on a 60-year old actress who “rocks” her bikini, or some celebrity who has decided not to marry again (Apparently, three “I do’s” were enough).  But, do I really need to know that for my day (life) to be complete?

Too Much Information!!!  Anyone care to join me in a Time Out when it comes to the news???     Happy Blissfully Peaceful New Year!   🙂


“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence, and if anything is worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”   (Philippians 4:8)



  1. Cathy

    You are absolutely right, and I agree wholeheartedly! Yes! Let’s get off this “merry-go-round!

  2. Larry

    Yes. There are much better things to think on, to focus our attention on! Amen!

  3. Emma Gene

    You are so good at putting my feelings into words. I look forward to every Tuesday to see what you have for me. Sending love and appreciation.

  4. Carol

    Thanks for the reminder , no news is good news!

  5. Linda

    Beautifully expressed. More time in prayer or reading God’s Word, much better and uplifting.

  6. Martha J Emmons

    Yes, disconnect me, Lord. Let me dwell on you.

  7. James & Linda Dircks

    I’m jumping on your bandwagon! Good idea …

  8. Marilin

    Well ain’t that the truth!

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