The Forgotten Father

When Mary was told she would be with child and deliver the deliverer, she was curious how that could be, she being still a virgin.  Other than that “minor” point, her response was – as we have seen – “May it be done to me according to Your will.”  (Luke 1:38).  That put her in jeopardy in her society as it could so easily and obviously have been misconstrued.

But, how about Joesph?  How much thought have we ever given to what he went through?  He was, of course, prepared to “divorce her quietly”  (Matthew 1:19) until an angel of the Lord visited him to reassure him  this was God’s plan.  Joseph took her as his wife – lawfully, but not physically until after Jesus’ birth – but what must he have thought and felt holding the child called Immanuel – God with us?  Totally inadequate?

In the manner of tradition, the new parents came to the Temple to offer sacrifice.    It was here that a “righteous and devout” man named Simeon had been promised to see the Lord’s Christ before he died.  When the parents entered, this man – without anything being said – recognized the child immediately.  Taking the child in his arms, he proclaimed, “For my eyes have seen Thy salvation” (Luke 2:30).  It was obvious to him.

How does one go about essentially being an earthly parent to such a heavenly child?  This forgotten father was called to be a father to the baby Jesus.  Certainly God is His Father, but ask any adoptive parent if it matters to them as they raise their adopted child.  How much did Joseph sit in awe of what was happening?  Wonder exactly what his role was?  How could he do anything for the One who actually made and created the universe?  Yet, the seemingly helpless infant looked like any other, needing to be fed, nurtured and watched over by His parents.

In day to day life, was Jesus consistently recognized as different?  Was he treated any differently from the other children that followed?  He was perfect, but was he treated as the favorite?  Did Joseph show favoritism?   Did Jesus have chores?  Apparently, He worked in the carpenter shop alongside His earthly father.  As the eldest, He was also charged with caring for the mother when Joseph died, as evidenced when He asked John from the Cross to care for her.

What an example for us of obeying God – even when the task is formidable and at times almost frightening.  Several times an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and each time, he did as he was told (Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-15, 19-23).

I realize men and women don’t think the same or view things alike, but I can’t help but surmise that most human beings – male or female – would be pretty amazed by the wonder of it all.  Each time I hold  small baby, I see the miracle of life, but God in the flesh???

Joseph, how overwhelmed you must have been!  How privileged, how blessed, how amazed, yet how perhaps almost frightened at the awesome responsibility, at the very least, initially.   A firstborn child is overwhelming enough, but the very Son of God?  We may have forgotten Joseph’s part in the Biblical story, but God hasn’t.


“…not one of them is forgotten by God.”   (Luke 12:6b)


  1. Cathy

    So true Teri….stopping to really consider. Thank you for reminding me!❤️

  2. Larry

    What an amazing true story this time thru Joseph’s eyes. . I think I take it too much for granted since ive(we’ve) heard the story so many times! Thx Teri

  3. Donna

    You are right about the WONDER of it all! Great points to consider; thank you!!

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    May we, too, be struck with wonder at the sight!

  5. Linda M Christian

    This is a great example of how through obedience, God provides for us to accomplish His plan.
    Thank you for this insight Teri!

  6. Marilin

    I have often thought about Joseph. His story is a true example of love under extraordinary circumstances as he stood firm and protected Mary and Jesus.

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