What Did You Say?

My collegiate granddaughter – in addition to her classes – works full-time at a popular breakfast place.  Occasionally, she crams in a trip to the opposite side of the Valley to visit her grandparents.  On a recent visit, her grama (!) could not resist reminding her to take good care of herself and to always be careful to which came the immediate reply, “Heard.”   I was wondering, “Herd of what?  What does that have to do with anything?”  (English can be so confusing!)  When I inquired as to what she meant, she explained to me that when the restaurant gets busy, there may be numerous co-workers passing a server saying, “Table 4 needs water,” or, “Table 2 is ready to order” or “A new 4-top is on Table 8”.  Thus, the response is simply, “Heard” to acknowledge the information has been received.

How often do we actually hear what someone says?  Probably about as often as we truly listen.  The letters in listen, interestingly enough, also spell the word silent.  I may have shared previously (but it bears repeating) what I read once:  “When we’re talking, we aren’t learning anything.”  But, being silent – though a start – isn’t enough, is it?    We also need to focus in order to process and receive (like the restaurant servers) what has been delivered.

Remember:  this is true with people, but it’s also true with the Lord…  Heard???     😉


“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  (Matthew 11:15)

“Do not merely listen to the Word; do what it says.”  (James 1:22)


  1. Jim & Linda Dircks

    Good word … heard! Listen up, hey? Thanks for a practical approach and for the trivia – listen/silent – love it!

  2. Linda Christian


  3. Larry

    Great reminder. I needed that!

  4. Marnie

    Beautiful message 😇

  5. Sharon Elliott

    we must try to remember to listen more. Enjoyed your message. Thank you

  6. Martha

    One mouth, two ears, are we to listen twice as much as we talk?

  7. Marilin

    “Heard.” I kind of like that. Thanks!

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