Prayer: When God Says No

When children ask their parents about something they want, the answer (to buy time) is often, “We’ll see…”  which the child usually interprets in one of two ways:  “No” or, it’s time to step up the bugging because then they’ll relent and say “yes”.

We are told to pray and stay in communication with the Lord because He wants to commune with us in that way.  We have trouble remembering that prayer is two-way communication so we should also take time to listen.  God speaks in many ways:  through His Word, prayer, “circumstances” and through people.  So, it’s important to be aware.  The option for the answers are, of course:  yes, no or maybe – which is code for “wait”, or sort of in line with “we’ll see” (except that He already knows the answer).

Our method is often to go to God and make all sorts of suggestions (which really constitutes our Wish List) in case He can’t figure out the options.  We want to help Him along…How easy it is to forget that God is not a celestial Santa Claus, just waiting for our list for the day so that He can provide us with our every desire.  You’ve probably known children who had everything, got whatever they wanted and were a big pain to be around.  No appreciation or understanding for what’s really important.  Those children may grow into adults who have no idea how to work and support themselves.

The Lord knows us better than we do and He also knows what’s best for us.  So, sometimes He says “no”.  We don’t always understand it and we certainly don’t always like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not best.

A parent generally will not reward disobedience.  God doesn’t, either.  Isaiah 59:2b says, “Your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.”  Time to own up to your rebellion instead of trying to snuggle up and con Him out of what you want.

He may say “no” for a time because He has something infinitely better in mind.  When we decided to move into a retirement community, we looked for many months and became discouraged.  We were about to make an offer on a house that we had decided was “close enough”.  But, that morning Dave found another one online which turned out to be just what we were looking for, and we are still in it to this day.  God had said “no” to all the ones we had seen and prevented us from making a hasty mistake.

A former pastor of ours once told the story of wanting a certain vehicle when he was in high school.  Everything seemed to be against it – which made him want it all the more.  He went ahead and bought it, and – you guessed it – it turned out to be a lemon.

Jesus prayed in the Garden.  “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me…”  (Luke 22:42).  What if God had said, “Oh, yeah, sure.  Ok.  You don’t have to go through with it.”  There would have been no crucifixion, no death, no resurrection.  No salvation.  Lazarus’ sisters knew if Jesus had come earlier, their brother would not have died.  But, He waited.  For two days.  For a reason.  Lazarus was raised and Jesus proclaimed, “I am the resurrection and the life;  he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies”  (John 11:25).

Do we really want to be like the spoiled child who gets everything and learns nothing?  When God says, “no”, we have options for how to respond:  give up and turn away from Him because He’s just being difficult, or trust that He does want what’s best for us.  What’s your choice?


” ‘ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways, your ways,’ declares the Lord.”  (Isaiah 55:8)


  1. Larry

    Thx again Teri. Wish could say I like all His answers(esp no)but this world is not our final goal. So I do my best to keep my eyes on the ultimate prize! Help me Lord!

  2. Pam Bayha

    Amen! A good lesson that I keep learning over and over. Thanks for the reminder. It is all for His glory. He only does what is best for us…when it is yes, no, or wait. Good to think about when pouring out my requests to Him. 😊 Thanks again! Have a blessed day!❤

  3. Sandi Nagel

    So right on!!!!! I don’t like “Wait”. But many seasons of our lives are just that!!! Trust and obey!!!!!

  4. Sandi Nagel

    So right on!!!!! I don’t like “Wait”. But many seasons of our lives are just that!!! Trust and obey!!!!! Love ❤️ to you for reminders!!

  5. Linda Christian

    Your words about bringing God our “wish list” in case he can’t figure out the options is sobering.
    May we spend more time listening to God rather than listing out our wishes.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    My choice? “We’ll see” …. Listening is a key we often move ahead of too quickly!

  7. Marilin

    Sometimes, when God says “no,” it opens up possibilities we never even thought of. Take a “no” as an opportunity to get closer to God, as He knows what’s best for us. We often see His blessings, protection and care later.

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