2 to 1

2 to 1.  What does that mean?  Could it be two people against one, as in a confrontation of some sort?  Maybe it’s the score of a baseball game (properly written:  2-1).  But, in this case, it represents body parts.  That’s right.  We have two ears and one mouth.  Do we ever stop and think that might be for a reason?  Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 tell us to “draw near to listen…” and not to be “hasty in word.”  Have any of you ever spewed out something you wished immediately you could take back?  Why is it our mouths work overtime?  Listen, by definition means to “give one’s attention to (a sound).

Alfred Brendal said, “The word ‘listen’ has the same letters as the word ‘silent’.”

Listen also means to PAY ATTENTION to what’s being said.  Most of us have probably experienced someone politely asking us a question and then not focusing on the answer or appearing to be the least bit interested.  Real listening involves caring about what the other person is saying, not busily crafting our response.  Some people have no one in their lives who make them the central focus and actually want to hear what they have to say.

Since God designed these parts two to one, we should at least consider listening.   Someone once said, “When you’re talking, you’re not learning anything.”  Ouch!

Maybe I should try listening today.  Odds are 2-1  I might learn something.  How about you?  Are you in?

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear…”   (Matthew 11:15)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    It’s amazing how we can make people feel, when we give them the time!

    • Linda

      Listen! With a heart to obey. Shema

  2. Marilin

    Thanks Teri. Since we have two ears and one mouth, maybe we should listen twice as much as we speak.

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